
Multilingual Buyers Agent Reaches More Customers

Premier Property Buyers Australia needed help with their old website. The site had a small digital footprint and it was only ranking for 21 words used by customers looking on Google for help to buy a home.

The page speed was also slow and it took 13 seconds for the Home page to load in mobile view. These issues were costing the business in lost sales.

Professional Business Website

Premier Property Buyers now has a professional looking website that loads quickly, ranks on Google, and helps the business reach its most important customers.

Harmony Digital delivered a new website with over 7,600 words in edited SEO content, 7 key pages including a Home page, a Property Services page, plus key information featured in the About Us and Contact Us sections.

buyers agent brisbane

News Page and WordPress Blog Posts

A priority for Geoff was the creation of a News page and supporting WordPress blog posts. Geoff can now promote his latest customer testimonials, videos, and property market update newsletters. The News function also includes 40 existing articles that Harmony Digital transferred from the old website.

Blogs are an excellent way to engage new customers and to build trusting relationship with existing customers. They work best when cross promoted on Google and social media channels.

Supporting Marketing Tools for a Growing Business

Harmony Digital has also built supporting marketing tools for Premier Property Buyers that will help to funnel customers traffic to the new website.

These tools include a new Google Business Profile, a new Google Ads campaign, plus content updates to the existing LinkedIn and Facebook pages, and cross promotion of the testimonial videos on YouTube.

Premier Property Multilingual Buyers Agent

Multilingual Buyers Agent Brisbane

The new website plays to Principal Buyers Agent Geoff Carter’s strengths. Few buyers agents can speak multiple languages whereas Geoff is fluent in Mandarin, Indonesian, Russian, Papua New Guinea Pidgin, Solomons Pijin, and Vanuatu Bislama.

Geoff’s language skills provide him with an edge when helping multilingual Australians, new Australians, and overseas buyers find a new home.

The new website includes Translate Press software with a Chinese language option. More languages will be added in the future as Premier Property grows its market share.

Brisbane Web Design

Harmony Digital is passionate about helping businesses reach more clients online.

We provide strategic business advice and services that are fit for purpose. Our thorough SEO and competitor research helps us to identify market opportunities for our clients.

We then use this research to:

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